2017 サンディエゴ語学留学&アメリカ西海岸縦断自転車旅「ツール・ド・西海岸」 アメリカ

【DAY25】Surprisingly, I cook everyday.


Before I came to San Diego, I didn’t cook mostly. I’m not good at cooking. Everyday I ate at restaurants or fast food shops in Japan.

But I was surprised at the high price in San Diego. The cost of eating outside is more expensive than Japan. Finally I decided to cook. This try may be more important for me than studying English because in America

I bought a cabbage for the first time.
I cut a cabbage for the first time.
I cooked fried vegetables for the first time.
I learned to cut avocados for the first time.

I know these things are ridiculous stories. But big growth for me.

Today I had Ochazuke(お茶漬け) for breakfast.

I had tomato sauce spaghetti for lunch.

And I had fried rice for dinner.

I am surprised at myself. I am sure that I can cook in Japan.

I am trying new things everyday and enjoying Try&Error.

-2017 サンディエゴ語学留学&アメリカ西海岸縦断自転車旅「ツール・ド・西海岸」, アメリカ



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