2017 サンディエゴ語学留学&アメリカ西海岸縦断自転車旅「ツール・ド・西海岸」 アメリカ

【DAY6】My bike came back from repairing!!


I went to many places and met a lot of people today. After class I ate lunch at Breakfast Republic in North Park.

Then I went to the office of San Diego LGBT Pride and got a massage for Tokyo Rainbow Pride which is the biggest parade for LGBT in Japan.

I read a Japanese magazine and knew that North Park is a popular area in recent years.

Actually it is a great place. The Colorful houses are beautiful.

I went to North Park Beer Co. which was introduced in the Japanese magazine because I like craft beers. The atmosphere of the brewery is very nice. I got to know the staff, Travis and Heather.

In the evening I got a call from a bicycle shop and went to pick up my bike which had been repaired in the shop. My bike came back.

Mana who is the friend of Rei came to our house from Tokyo for vacation. She cooked Japanese foods. Thanks Mana!!

-2017 サンディエゴ語学留学&アメリカ西海岸縦断自転車旅「ツール・ド・西海岸」, アメリカ




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【DAY18】Go to Sedona!!

DAY18 A trip for Sedona will begin from tomorrow. I’m going to go by camper with three friends …


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【ツール・ド・西海岸 最終ステージ】自転車で駆け抜けたアメリカ西海岸2500km、ついにゴール!

自転車でアメリカ西海岸縦断の旅 ツール・ド・西海岸 最終ステージ(第21ステージ) セイラム(Salem)〜 ポートランド(Portland) 90km 日々の映像を作るのも、これで最後だ。ホッとした …