2017 サンディエゴ語学留学&アメリカ西海岸縦断自転車旅「ツール・ド・西海岸」 アメリカ

【DAY23】Who is the happiest person?

投稿日:2017年5月9日 更新日:

“Who is the happiest person?” the teacher asked us in a class. “Think two minutes and tell me.”
I thought about it. But it was a difficult question. Uhhhh.
“Yota, who is the happiest person?”
“Because I do what I want to do.”
Yeah. Exactly. Now I do what I want to do in San Diego.

Next question was this. “What makes you happy?”
I said, “I am happy when I am writing blogs about my trip.”
“Ok. Do you have own page?”
“Nice. But you write in Japanese?”
“Usually Japanese. But Since I came to San Diego, I try to write in English. Only simple English.”
“Good! Tell us your page.”
I wrote the URL of this blog. Then everyone looked my blog.

A classmate asked me “What is your next trip?”
I said, “From next month, I will go to Seattle from here by bicycle. About 3000km.”
“By bicycle?”
“Yeah. I got sponsored by Japanese beverage company for this challenge. And I will write blogs about the trip everyday.”

In recent days I gradually became able to say English what I really want to say.
I don’t care about mistakes.
I noticed that everyone listen to me seriously if I talk hard even though my English is a little bad.


「I am happy when I am writing blogs about my trip.」




「Usually Japanese. But Since I came to San Diego, I try to write in English. Only simple English.」




「From next month, I will go to Seattle from here by bicycle. About 3000km.(来月から、サンディエゴからシアトルに向けて自転車で3000km走る予定だよ)」

「By bicycle?」

「Yeah. I got sponsored by Japanese beverage company for this challenge. And I will write blogs about the trip everyday. (日本の飲料メーカーがこの挑戦を応援してくれているんだ。旅について毎日ブログに書くよ)」

と言ったら、クラス中がぼくの方を振り向いて「自転車で!? ジャパニーズすげー!」と驚いてくれた。先生も「私も毎日追いかけるわ!」と言ってくれて、ブログの読者が増えた。




-2017 サンディエゴ語学留学&アメリカ西海岸縦断自転車旅「ツール・ド・西海岸」, アメリカ



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